53585 TTh 9:30-11 AM

Principles of Chemistry II
Dr. Vanden Bout
Spring 2008

Instructor: David A. Vanden Bout
Office: WEL 3.151
Office Hours: MW 4:30-6
Textbook: Chemical Principles 5th Edition, Steven S. Zumdahl
Houghton Mifflin (2005), ISBN: 0547005962

Topics to be Covered:
Exam 1 : Physical and Chemical Equilibria Chpt 16, 17, and 6
Exam 2 : Acid/Base Chemistry 7, 8
Exam 3 : Electrochemistry, Kinetics, and Everything Else 11,15, and more

Final Exam : Comprehensive - all covered chapters

WEB PAGE:      (case sensitive!)

Calculator:  All students must have a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR. If you don't already have one, I'd suggest getting a TI-30xa or something like it (very simple to use and cheap). Will I allow graphing calculators this year? Yes. However, please make sure that the memory is cleared before all exams.

clicker iClicker:  All students must have an iClicker. These are available at the University Co-op and have an ISBN number of 0-7167-7939-0. These are NOT the eInstruction CPS clickers that were used in last years classes. These are long, white, and skinny with only 6 buttons See picture to the right. The Co-op has these listed for $33.35 new. That is the ONLY cost. There is no registration fee. You can use ANY iClicker for this class. You will register the iClicker number via the web and then you are good to go.

TA Office Hours

Teaching Assistant Office Hours Where? Email
Kalyan Vasudevan Thurs 3-4
Tues 8:00-9:30
Cubicle B
Nathalie Guimard Wed 11-noon
Mon 6-7
Cubicle B
Cubicle B
Vera Stoynova Thurs 4-5
Thurs 5-6
Cubicle A
Cubicle B
Overall SCORING for the Course
Your overall score will be determined from 3 night exams, 6 in-class quizzes, plus a final exam. The percentages are the following:
3 Exams 540 Points
Best 4 of 6 Quiz 160 points
300 Points
TOTAL 1000 Points
Course grades will be based on total points:
A > 900
B > 800
C > 700
D > 600
F < 599
The class exams will be held in the evenings on the dates given from 7-9 PM. All exams will be in UTC 2.102A and UTC 2.112A
      Exam 1 Wed, 2/13
Exam 2 Wed, 3/26
Exam 3 Thur, 5/1
Final Wed, 5/7 2-5 PM

Final Exam places: TBA

Alternate Grading Schemes
If the traditional grading scheme is not for you, I will offer two alternatives

Option 1
A grading scheme based on the question, "if I ace the cumulative final can I get an A for the course?" In determining your course grade I will automatically determine whether your score on the final exam is higher than your cumulative average and if it is, I will substitute the exam score. If you score 90% or above on the final, you get an A for the course even if your cumulative course average is below 90%. If you score 80% or above on the final, you get a B for the course even if your cumulative course average is below 80%, etc. This is an excellent option for the student who bombs more than one test, or, believes that he or she has really started to learn the material over the course of the semester but has scores that make an A unattainable. To be eligible for this option, you have to participate in the course by taking at least two of the three exams and at least three of the six quizzes. So don't just wander into the final after a semester in Europe and expect this opportunity.

Option 2
So you ace the tests and quizzes and really wish you could be home a little earlier for the summer. Is it possible? Yes. Very simply, if you score 90% (630 out of 700 possible points) on the three exams and four of six quizzes, you will not have to take the final. Note: this only applies if you have an "A". You cannot simply opt to "take your C" and be done.

We will not have formal homework. Practice problems will be available on the webpage.

Quizzes emphasizing problem solving will be given six times during the semester. The quizzes will occur every two weeks during the last 20 minutes of class. Quizzes will consist of 8 questions worth five points each. The questions will be drawn from the same data bank as the exams and will give you a flavor for what the exams will look like. The quizzes will also offer you the opportunity to keep up with the material so you won't have to cram before exams or the cumulative final. Only your four best of six quizzes will count.

Quizzes (iClicker)
Quizzes will be given in class via the iClicker. You will be able to replace one of your in-class quiz scores with your iClicker grade. The iClicker grade will be based upon a available point total. Typically 100% is given if you have at least 80% of the total points Points available each day are base primarily on participation not correct answers.

Three examinations will be given during the semester on CH302 material. These will be given about once a month during the scheduled class time. Each examination will consist of 30 six-point multiple choice questions that will be machine graded. These exams will look remarkably like your quizzes and worksheets in content.

The three exams will be given in the evenings on the scheduled days in the rooms posted. You must go to the correct room. No exams scores will be dropped. Be sure and bring your calculator to the exam. I cannot provide calculators. You CANNOT use a PDA, or cell phone as your calculator (or any other gadget that is NOT a calculator). An alternate exam time will be available only if you have a University related conflict (lab class, etc...) The times of the exams were posted in the course schedule prior to registration.

Each student will receive a unique exam copy with a specific version number on it. There is a different exam version for every student in the class, no two students can have the same version numbers. It is therefore very important that you keep your copy of each of your exams. You need this copy in order for us to verify you as the owner of that copy and version number. We only do this verification when we have a case of two or more students with identical version numbers on their exams. Each student must verify their copy in order to receive a grade, otherwise their score will be changed to a zero for that exam AND they will be reported to the dean as suspect of cheating.

A Final exam cannot be made-up in any way. Show up at the right place and the right time or get a zero on the exam. The final exam WILL be comprehensive. This means that all the material covered during the course will be on the exam. The final exam will be counted as 30% of your overall grade. If you keep up with the material for the semester, the final will not be any more difficult than the three exams. It will be extremely difficult if you try to cram for it one day ahead. Keep up and make the grade. I will not allow you to take the final early either. The time for the final is published when the course schedule is made but it is subject to change.

Missed Quiz or Exam
You can make up a missed quiz or exam for one of the following reasons.

1. You are away from UT as part of a University-sponsored activity. For such instantces you will provide written docudmentation on UT Letterhead expalining the reason for your absence.

2. The exam is in conflict with a religious holiday. For this you will provide written notice of the conflict at least 14 days in advance.

3. You suffer chornic, documented illness that requires you to miss multiple quizzes and exam. In this case you should contact me as soon as you are able.

What if I miss one quiz or exam? Not to worry. It will be taken care of. You get to drop your lowest two quiz scores. If you miss an exam you final will be scaled to 180 points and substitute for your missed exam. This will be calculated for you. You don't need to do anything.

Religious Days
Religious holy days sometimes conflict with class and examination schedules. It is the policy of The University of Texas at Austin that the student must notify each instructor at least fourteen days prior to the classes scheduled on dates he or she will be absent to observe a religious holy day. For religious holidays that fall within the first two weeks of the semester, the notice should be given on the first day of the semester. The student may not be penalized for these excused absences but the instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to complete satisfactorily the missed assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the excused absence.

If you get caught cheating in any way whatsoever you will have to discuss the situation with me. I will arive at a pentaly and deem if the problem warrants a formal report. If you deny the allegation, I will proceed by filing a formal report to the Judicial Services in the Dean of Students Office as is policy. The final penalty would be decided by Judicial Services after a hearing on the matter. For more information read the General Information Catalog about scholastic dishonesty (i.e. cheating). If found "guilty" the University can go so far as to bar you from enrollment for life. Take home lesson, don't cheat.